The Flo Fab heat exchanger consists of stamped plates designed to maximize heat transfer. Gaskets are fixed between the plates to contain the two separate fluids. These fluids flow alternately between every other plate, counter-flowing to produce the greatest rate of heat transfer and provide the closest temperature approach to the incoming cold fluid. The stamped plates use enhanced surface area flow to create scrubbing turbulence that increase the U-coefficient and increases heat transfer.
The Flo Fab heat exchanger consists of stamped plates designed to maximize heat transfer. Gaskets are fixed between the plates to contain the two separate fluids. These fluids flow alternately between every other plate, counter-flowing to produce the greatest rate of heat transfer and provide the closest temperature approach to the incoming cold fluid. The stamped plates use enhanced surface area flow to create scrubbing turbulence that increase the U-coefficient and increases heat transfer.
Heat transfer plates are available in many lengths, widths. connection sizes, thicknesses and stamped configurations that create various depths and angles to maximize heat transfer and reduce installed cost. The most common plate angles are 30° and 60°. The 30° plate creates a tortuous path for greater heat transfer, but with a higher pressure drop than the 60° plate. Flo Fab’ sizing software will calculate the optimum heat transfer plate and plate sequencing for any application.
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